Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Many are Saying... Trump, Bannon, and Putin are in a Love Triangle

Trump loves Putin. Putin love Bannon. Bannon loves Trump,

Many people are saying that Trump, Bannon, and Putin are in a love triangle. As we already know, Trump was born in Russia and is being used against his will as a puppet president. Despite his best effort, Trump became president and is now totally under Putin's thumb. What he did not expect was that he would fall in love with the Russian spymaster.

In hindsight, it was not that strange. Many of us fall in love to fill the void left by our parents, so, if you remember Trump's father, it was inevitable that Trump would fall for the virile, abusive, and authoritarian figure which is Putin. Putin was cruel, threatening, and strong drawing Trump into his own "fifty shades of gray" fantasy. Of course, he could never have his passions fulfilled physically. His love is literally from afar, but that forbidden nature only draws him in further.

Being the manipulator that Putin is, he had no compulsion from using Trump's feeling for his own goals. Through secret communications, he has nourished Trump's adoration knowing Trump will do anything just to hear a kind word.

Which is a tragedy for Bannon. Bannon had no expectation that he would ever find love again in his life. After three failed marriages, he was never able to find a woman that appreciated the "tough" love he had to give. Little did he suspect that would change on a Breitbart forum. He did not know that "ShirtlessCuddlyBear" was actually Putin trying to secretly recruit him, but over time they found something more.

They had so much in common. Their secret desire to be Hitler. Their wish to conquer the world. That they both chose bear costumes at the last furry conventions. Their fascination with Pokemon. And most of all their disappointment that Gru turned good at the end of Despicable Me. (Bannon's favorite minion is Stuart and Putin's is Kevin. Both think Bob is a wuss.)

But Bannon soon tired of their flirtations. He just didn't feel the chemistry Putin did. There was no pizazz. But, Putin could not just let Bannon out of his life, so in a desperate effort to keep contact with Bannon, he asked him to work as one of his spies. He needed Bannon to replace Manafort as Trump's handler.

Bannon agreed with hesitation, but he was an ambitious man who could see the potential. Plus, he was fond of Putin and found it a way to distance himself and spare Putin's feelings what. What Bannon did not anticipate was the feeling he would have for Trump.

Bannon discovered that he did not want a new world order. He did not need to "destroy the state". These were all just surrogates for what he really wanted, a bad boy. Yes, Putin was a bad boy, perhaps the baddest, but like many that say "they want a bad boy", they really want a fake bad boy. Someone who is impulsive, wild, but not a true threat. Someone who "they can change". Bannon's heart did not stand a chance when he met Trump. He fell hard.

This is their tangled love triangle. Putin must secretly send love letters to Trump, but he is really writing his feelings for Bannon. Since they cannot go directly to the president, Bannon must deliver them wishing they could be his words to Trump. And then Bannon must suffer and watch as Trump pines for Putin.

They've each tried to handle the frustration in their own way. President Trump indulges his shopping addiction by sending Putin secret caches of velvet track suits. Putin invades a country or plans someone's assassination, while Bannon strings along Reince Priebus.

But, this is cannot go on. Right, now their relationships are constrained by distance, but one day they will all be in the same room and have to confront their feelings. And then, what happens when Kellyanne Conway reveals her own secret yearnings?

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