I bet you've thought about starting blog. (If you have already, well good for you. I'm not talking to you yet.) As you imagined the blog you would write, you also found reasons to write it later. There's always tomorrow to make the first post right. Since the day I heard the word 'blog', the same happened for me.
I would wake up, my
mind racing with fresh thoughts. As I drank my coffee, the caffeine
would untangle neurons, and those thoughts would hone into full
mental pontification. I would begin a blog. My words will be so
creative and insightful, they'll shudder through the internet, spread
only by the force of their eloquence. Followers will begin to whisper.
“Who is this Gadfly?” I'll appear on the Tonight Show....
Anyway, you get the
Of course such
thoughts always work out better in coffee stimulated daydreams, than
they do in life. A blog is work. You can always daydream now and
start tomorrow.
So what changed?
Well, events are
happening, unlike none I have seen in my life. The times deserve my
shouting whispers to vainly attempt to be heard. I know I join
multitudes who have the same shouting whispers, and as corny as it is
to say: 'Now is not the time to be silent'.
I am of course
talking about the possibility of a Trump presidency.
Ironically, I just
told you that this is not why I am here. I just said, I'm not here to
change minds or go on some agenda. Now, you can see, I am going to
rant like a zealot about the end of the world, fire falling from the
sky, cats living with dogs...
Well, maybe not that
bad. But still bad. Bad enough for me to engage in some short term
hypocrisy, and yes, even start a blog and send some tweets.
In my next post
(maybe a few), I will attempt to explain why Trump is different. I
hope to do so in a reasoned way without relying on knee jerk
reactions, overused rhetoric, and amateur psychology.
And then, I will get
back to what I hoped this blog would be when I first daydreamed about
But for now, the
danger of Trump does require us to speak out without hesitation or
doubt. (Besides, I have so many Trump jokes.)
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