Monday, October 3, 2016

Election 2016 Update 10-03

State of the Election 2016

The Deluge

If you saw my deluged over the weekend, you might be sick of me. I don't blame you, but there was a lot of background, I needed you to hear before we got to the endgame of the elections. Otherwise, you would just of had to trust me on everything, and you should never do that.

Unfortunately, there is more to come, once I'm done icing my wrists.

Trump's Taxes

As you have probably heard, the Trump's 1995 tax return was leaked to the New York Times. Bottom line, he lost a billion dollars. However, in my opinion, the NYT used the wrong headlined, Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found. (It's also way too long a headline).

This is a prime example of the Great Delusion of Politics. Most of Trump voters (Trumpys and Hopeys) don't think we should be paying taxes. This is mostly an argument that resonates with those already voting for Clinton (Borings and Excitables). As I advocated in Trump is Broke, the focus should be that he is a business failure and not as wealthy as he claims. (Also, many are saying he's a shopoholic).

"How did you lose a billion, Donny? How much more have you lost in the tax returns we haven't seen, Donny?"

Unfortunately, the media will probably talk about how he didn't pay taxes. (If any of you saw "Morning Joe", I thought of all of this before I watched. I did not copy him. He copied me.)

However, there is one tactic Clinton could use about him not paying taxes. If she framed it the way Sanders would, she could motivate more Excitables, a problem for her. However, this could also push away disaffected Republicans, but those have proven a long shot.

Another way she could use this is to press Trump to release his tax returns and maybe goad him into saying something offensive or crazy. But, he'd never fall for something like that. (Why am I rubbing my palms and laughing manically?)

VP Debates

Before I begin a thorough pre-analysis of the VP Debates tomorrow, let me just say.... naw, ain't going to waste our time. I can't even think of a good drinking game for it. (Not that I've so far been good at those.)

They just don't matter much. The VPs aren't the candidate. Effectively, they're nothing more than a surrogates talking on a Sunday morning news show. The most the VPs can do is:

Show the candidate has no judgement, or defend it. Think Sarah Palin. Not going to happen. We like the VPs better than the candidates.

Quell a freak out caused by a previous bad debate. Think Biden after Romney vs Obama. Not going to happen. You can't prove someone less temperamental. Only Trump can do that. The most Pence can do is calm the Hopeys, but that's getting old.

So, if you'd rather catch up on Netfix, go for it. Of course, I'll probably be watching, because I'm a political junkie. But, I'll also be doing Sudoku at the same time.

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