Thursday, October 13, 2016

Election 2016 Update 10-13

State of the Election 2016

Trump Meteor Forecast

The Trump Meteor still has a 17% of striking the Earth and destroying civilization as we know it.

Running Out the Clock

Women are coming forward accusing Trump a harassing or assaulting them, which is causing Trump to spend his time refuting them. And, of course, more Wikileaks reveals on Clinton are coming forward.

Here's how the elections going to move at least until the 3rd Debate and possibly until election day. Whoever is in the news is likely to lose votes (that a general rule of politics, anyway). As long as Trump dominates the news, Wikileaks reveals will not hurt Clinton. Besides the question of whether Trump can keep himself out of the news, will he have lost so much that a turn to Clinton still keeps her the winner.

I don't completely understand this, but for most people events happen when its reported in the news. So, though these events happened decades or even years ago, we react as if they happened yesterday. The other side of that is when news is being drown out, like what is happening in these Wikileaks reveals, bringing the news up later is difficult. Campaigns have to find ways to re-introduce them, which the Trump campaign has yet to show any skill in.

The news is becoming more 'siloed', so if you are listening to only conservative media, you can be led to believe the Wikileaks reveals are having a bigger effect than they are. If you are watching only liberal sources you will believe the Republican Civil War is worse than it is. (This is why I'm scanning headlines from different sources). Unfortunately, post Nov 8th, these misinterpretations are what causes surprise, a sense of unfairness, and more partisanship.

The Pence Strategy

Trump is still continuing his rants, but Ryan's response is interesting. What Clinton and Ryan have learned from watching Pence is to engage Trump's attacks as little as possible, even if you let some accusations go unanswered. The has freed Ryan to campaign more to his preferred style.

The Pence technique was what politicians did before. But, after Kerry got 'swift boated', politicians responded to every accusation. Maybe the Pence strategy will be the new norm.

Right now, the Republican Civil War has stabilized and, for now, only affects the race by keeping Trump in the news. After the election is my guess when we see the next developments.

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