Trump is Uniquely Unfit to be President
Believe it or not, I have so far been pretty easy on Trump. Sure I started comparing him to Hitler, but who hasn't, and I was fair about. I even said it in the title, Call Him Hitler But Lets Be Fair About.Sure, I made fun of his hair and tiny, oh so tiny, hand. And again who hasn't. But I haven't gone on a long rant about his demagoguery and racism. You know I haven't even gone into what gives me Trump nightmares.
And that's was part of the point. I don't need to. Trump is not just unfit, he is uniquely unfit in ways no other candidate has been before. That Trump is a unique is not just obvious but bragged about by his campaign. However, in That Orange Guy Defies Convention I showed that this means he must be more critically judged not less.
Whoever your are there are many reasons you should not vote for him. Here's five.
1. Total Lack of Experience
An election is a job interview. We should treat as such, and so should the candidates.Imagine you went to interview with no experience on your resume and when asked to demonstrate you can do the job, you answered, "I have a very good brain." Do you think you would be hired? Why should Trump?
At best you would be put in the lowest position and work your way up. The only way is to fast talk past the interview. Trump went straight to trying to be president and has not really shown a reason he should be. This is historically different. [1]
Now I know many view his lack of experience as lack of corruption (as if a rich business man could not be corrupt). In fact, government experience and success as a President does not always track, but they all had at least some. Looking at Trump over the past year has shown me why.
2. Sows Distrust in Our Democracy
In Trumps My Man, I referenced how Trump has suggested that his loss would mean the "system was rigged". You realize no presidential candidate has ever said this, right? Even Nixon did not contest a very close election against JFK for "the good of the country." [2] I’m talking about friggin Nixon.Now after every elections there’s some sore losers saying the election was stolen or promoting conspiracies. But fortunately the numbers are few. If too many believed the President was not legally elected our democracy would be destroyed. [3] For Trump to even suggest this, endangers the country.
Worse, there’s no political reason to do this. Telling your supporters the election is rigged encourages them to stay home. The only reason to do this is to spare your ego. The kindest conclusion would just be ego driven stupidity, but to me this is just loving yourself more than your country.
3. Not Committed to the Job
In Trump's Utility Function, I showed that Trump’s choices in campaigning was best explained by him wanting to have fun as much as be president. This should make you mad. Why would we want a president not 100% committed to the job.4. Does Not Learn from History
As I was writing "Trumps Utility Function" I kept thinking, “if I can see these problems with the campaign why couldn’t Trump.” All I did was research a little history and look at how presidents have won in the past. Trump should have at least done that. Plus one consultant could tell him more than I could.Now I know Trump was campaigning in an innovated way, and I would admit it was successful to a point. However, you still do the research. First, when suddenly your way is not working your research can tell you why and how to adapt. Second, anyone who’s followed politics for two minutes will tell you that what works in the Primary does not necessarily work in the General.
The old saying goes, “those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. Trump just repeated every mistake you can make running for president. If he becomes president, it will be us doomed by every mistake he repeat.
5. Lacks Moral Courage
In every election I can remember all presidential candidates confronted overt racism. Sure, there were some subtle messages or "dog whistles", and at lower elections you can't always say the same. But there was always a line, they would not cross and when that point came they stood against it.[4] In And Now About Racism, you can see Trump did not.It's not hard. It's run for president 101. You can win without courting die hard racists. The KKK is not popular in the country.
This is important because when racism gets out of hand, it leads to violence. There's a reason why presidential candidates do not let this go too far. [5] It divides the country they want to lead.
This is not a question of whether he is racist or not, this is about courage. A president should at least share our most basic morals and the courage to stand up for them. This is what is known as moral courage. Are you really saying racism is part of our basic morality. Then shouldn't a president stand against at least its most overt forms. Otherwise, that's just moral cowardice.
In the End, Just Not a Leader
Now this is just a start. There are more reasons that he is just not qualified to be president, but I'll get into those later. I also want to note, that if this were you or me, any of these would just be human. But, we are talking about the job of president which demands more. Any of us could faint at the sight of blood, but if you do, you cannot be a surgeon.The common thread is that these are all traits of a leader. Now, I know your going to say, he's a successful business man, he must be a leader. Not true. Business men pay their employees to follow them. He can get anyone to follow him if he pays enough.
Being a leader is a lot more than getting cheers in a rally. You need these traits, and every presidential candidate has shown them to at least some extent, even if they had to fake it.
This should concern you regardless of your party, ideology, and even if you like everything he is saying or promising. Failure in politics does not only prevent you from getting want you want, it discredits that we should even give it to you. Especially, if you elected a failure of a president.
We have to stop treating him as a kid at a recital, where we applaud him because he's cute. We have to judge by the standards of being president and so far he has not met that bar.
Now I know what you're going to say. "I support him because he is a successful business man, and I have confidence in him. A man like him will succeed as president". In other words, Trump is a rich man that sells you confidence. You know that's the definition of con-man, right?
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