Saturday, September 24, 2016

Scaredy Trump Face

Theses are the Body Language Tells I Observed During the Commander-In-Chief Forum

Trump shows his scaredy face when having to answer a serious question.

As mentioned previously, I found some body language that indicates when Trump is scared and lying, so I clipped some video for you to see. If you can, watch them with and without the sound. Obviously, they are from the Commander-in-Chief forum aired September 7th 2016.

How to Detect Scaredy Trump Face

Mostly look at his eyes as they try to widen and squint at the same time. This is by far the biggest indication. He also speaks slightly faster, but that can be hard to hear because he normally speaks fast. In addition, he constantly glances away. When Trump is comfortable he tends to lean towards who he is talking. Again this can be hard to see because Trump moves his head a lot.

The first video is when he was asked "What's next?" if we successfully remove ISIS from Iraq. This is also where he said we should have taken the oil. His response is laden with fear at the idea of actually having to answer factually.

Note that his questioner is not responding well, which is probably why Trump is being thrown off. I also suspect this make Trump look through the crowd for approval from someone else.

He also shows the same behavior when asked about his "secret ISIS plan". Note how Trump looks startled when Matt Lauer first says the work "ISIS".

Finally, the most important one. The 'tells' are harder to see, but this is him answering if he is prepared to be president. The biggest tell is just before Trump speaks If I'm reading his body language correctly, he's not just scared to answer the question, he is scared to actually be president. Consider what that means.

How to Detect Lyin Trump Face

So how can you tell Trump is lying. Obviously, his lips are moving. (Que old joke groan).

Trump shows classic lying ques. First he tends to quickly glance up to his right when describing a memory. The theory is that he is engaging his left brain to construct fake memory rather than recalling a real one.

More telling is for a split second he smiles. You have to pay attention to see it, especially since he does similar facial expression. But, this is the most reliable 'tell'.

I this one, he is doing his most classic lie, "I was against the Iraq War". He shows the 'tell' on the word "was" in the sentences. "To hear Hillary says I WAS not against the war". 

In this case, the 'tells' are harder to see, but it is worth watching because it;s when he is talking about his intelligence briefing and shows him trying to construct a lie in the moment. You will see him make a strong glance up to his right on the word "what" in the phrase "WHAT our experts".

Now Trump could be the most blatantly liar in American history. He certainly is in my lifetime. You would be right to ask why bother when we only need to see if he is breathing.

Sure, but what we don't know is if he realizes he is lying. If I'm reading the body language correctly, at some level he does.

Let finish by stating I am only a rank amateur at reading body language, so take what I say with that in mind. Trump is a very emotive speaker, so I could easily be making "false positives." I leave you to judge.

I also have to point out the everyone looks bad under this kind of analysis. However, Trump often relies upon an image of invincibility to trick and manipulate. Anything that pierces that is worthwhile. Again, I leave you to judge.

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