State of the Election 2016
Trump in the News
The result of Wednesday forum has pushed the focus on Trump's bromance with Putin, I mentioned yesterday. However, I still stand by my claim that this story does not shift the race. That Pence defending Trump is confirmation. Among Trump voters this has little meaning while anti-Trump voters tend to fixate on it. I'm tempted to psychoanalyze this on both sides, but I won't.
What I did forget to list was Trump's comments on his intelligence briefings. Again this is something anti-Trump voters would care about more than others. I would say the bigger impact is behind the scene. Trump effectively insulted the briefing agent as unprofessional, which by extension, insults all in the intelligence services. But their hands are tied by the same professionalism, so what could they do. I guess they could leak...
Hey did you hear about the leaked NBC story. Apparently, that intelligence briefing included a little drama with Trump's military adviser, General Flynn. Remember how I said only generals in disfavor would work with Trump.
Clinton in the News
Big surprise, we're talking about her emails. At least the right leaning media is. I still contend that would be happening anyway, but there is no way I could prove that.
The more interesting turn is that Clinton held a real press conference. More interesting is that you probably didn't hear about.
What is Aleppo?
This story is probably going to die, but if it doesn't it could change the race. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, showed complete ignorance on Aleppo, a current battleground of the Syrian Civil War. (We're talkin ISIS buddy. A big deal if you want to be president.)
As one who always ask if I don't know something, even if it make me look stupid, I really do respect him for asking. I also respect the way he dealt with it later. He didn't make the same lame excuses like other politicians had in the past.
Though given this is a current news story about the most concerning conflict and likely source of terrorism, my respect is not enough to save him.
If this does kill Gary Johnson's presidential bid, those votes are more likely to go to Clinton. That could mean a 4% shift. Can you say "game change".
But in this year's weirdness, it could go the other way.
We don't like the idea of electing a dishonest president, but we have before and prefer it to electing someone dangerous. That pretty much sums up the race. However, we don't mind electing someone dumb. In fact, we kinda like it, especially, if he is honest and nice. I don't know much about Gary Johnson, but from what I see, he's honest and nice.
I know I'm setting up the plot to a sitcom, but considering how strange this race has gone.....
I know I'm setting up the plot to a sitcom, but considering how strange this race has gone.....
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